OnePlus Cloud Service with Green Line Worry-Free Solution launched in India to fix screen-related hardware problems reported by customers. Part of the solution involves OnePlus’ new PVX layer (a combination of Gorilla Glass 2 and a polymethyl methacrylate) that’s been added to the company’s handset displays. The company has also extended its sustainability-led lifetime warranty against the green line issue to all smartphones in its line-up.
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OnePlus Unveils Green Line Worry-Free Solution and Lifetime Warranty for All Smartphones in India
The PVX layer said to be developed in collaboration with OnePlus’s manufacturing partners, is an edge-sealing material that has excellent weathering and chemical resistance. The new layer will be applied to all OnePlus AMOLED displays and will also enhance the durability of the display and lower the chances of green lines even in harsher environments.
It’s still unclear if some existing models that will still be manufacturing will come with this new PVX layer or upcoming devices such as the OnePlus 13, but the company has made clear the stringent testing that it subjects its smartphones to. More than 80 tests are carried out which includes the “Double 85” test, in which the displays endure extreme temperatures of 85 degrees Celsius and 85% humidity to ensure longevity and reliability in harsh conditions.
Furthermore, the green line issue is also covered under the lifetime warranty that OnePlus has just started allowing for all its smartphone devices as well. Before, not all models with green line issues could be repaired free of charge, but now every OnePlus handset is covered under the repair program. The company did not immediately provide a list of affected models, though.
As a step further, OnePlus also launched Project Starlight to enhance customer service in India. Under this initiative, the company intends to spend ₹6,000 crore on expanding service centers and improving services at third-party repair facilities over the course of three years to improve the customer experience.
What is the Green Line Solution?
A new PVX layer for durability and a lifetime warranty for all phones.
Does the warranty cover all phones?
Yes, it covers all OnePlus smartphones.