OnePlus has hinted at its plans to enter the foldable smartphone market and take on Samsung. The company has teased the release of its first foldable for the third quarter of 2023, which could be the “OnePlus V Fold” or “OnePlus V Flip.” This announcement comes after rumors of this smartphone company entering the foldable market and the recent passing of these device names through Chinese authorities. The teaser, shown at the end of the OnePlus 11 launch event, showed two devices in “V” shapes with the line “Coming in Q3.” This launch timing is expected to coincide with Samsung’s refresh of its foldable lineup.
OnePlus Foldable launch details
They have revealed plans to challenge Samsung in the foldable smartphone market with the launch of its first foldable in the third quarter of 2023. Samsung has dominated the foldable market for the past four years with little competition, but this is about to change with the company entering the space.
At the end of the recent launch event, the company showed a teaser that was not part of the live stream, which hinted at their future plans. The teaser depicted two devices in the shape of a “V” and featured the line “Coming in Q3.” This is believed to confirm that is entering the foldable market and may be releasing two devices, as suggested by the previously mentioned names.
The expected launch of the foldable in the third quarter of 2023, between July and September, aligns with Samsung’s typical timing for refreshing its foldable lineup. The Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Z Flip 5 are expected to launch in August and it is possible that OnePlus will launch its devices in close proximity to Samsung. Last year, the OnePlus 10T was announced in August, just before the launch of the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Flip 4.