OnePlus introduced the new member of its Buds audio lineup last month, the OnePlus Buds Pro. After around a month, it is now coming in the range of the customers. Hope you know, the Indian pricing of the new OnePlus Buds Pro is Rs.9,990, and there are two colour options, as usual, Matte Black and Glossy White. The OnePlus Buds Pro sale will start at 12 noon today via both the OnePlus India official website and Amazon India. The buy links are given below.
- Amazon:
- OnePlus India:
The new OnePlus Buds Pro that coming on sale today is a major update over the earlier OnePlus Buds from both the design and specification end. So, these also reflect on the price tag as well.
Specifications of OnePlus Buds Pro:
- 40dB Adaptive Noise Cancellation
- 38 Hours Battery
- 11mm Dynamic Drivers
- 94ms Low Latency
- Bluetooth 5.2
- ZenMode Air
- LHDC High Definition Audio
- Dolby Atmos
- OnePlus Audio ID
- Qi Wireless Charging
- Warp Charge 10 min. -> 10 hr. Playback
- IP55 Water and Sweat Resistant
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