OnePlus launched its new flagship TWS earbuds, namely, OnePlus Buds Pro 2 at its Cloud 11 event and priced it at Rs.11,999, however, if you don’t remember it also did an India launch of what it calls the Buds Pro 2R. A special version for India that lacks some key features like Spatial Audio comes as a more affordable option at Rs.9,999.
This Buds Pro 2R is all scheduled to be on sale soon, probably when the OnePlus 11R sale starts i.e. 21st February. Coming at more affordable pricing is it worth going for and what are the key differences with the regular Buds Pro 2? Here we will answer everything!
Here’s the Amazon India teaser page:
OnePlus Buds Pro 2R – What’s the difference?
Well, if you know the specs of the regular OnePlus Buds Pro 2, the 2R is just a mere cut-down version of it, lacking features like head tracking i.e. no Google Spatial Audio, no wireless charging support and that’s it, these are the two key differences that separate both the TWS earbuds.
Otherwise, most good-to-have features of the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 are retained, up to 25 hours of playback duration with ANC and up to 39 hours without ANC (active noise cancellation). Also, you have rapid charging capabilities, with a 10-minute charge providing three hours of audio playback.
The TWS earbuds feature 54ms low latency connectivity using the latest Bluetooth standard and support Bluetooth 5.3 and Google Fast Pair to connect with two devices without a hitch. The earbuds have an IP55 rating and the Buds Pro 2R will also feature a new MelodyBoost twin driver system, developed in collaboration with Dynaudio, that consists of 11mm + 6mm audio drivers.
Though this Buds Pro 2R could have been more aggressively priced in our opinion but if you have some extra money to spend go for the Buds Pro 2 that is already available to buy.
Buy the new OnePlus Buds Pro 2:
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