OnePlus Buds launched in India at just Rs.4,999 and will be available from August 4 in Amazon, and now the landing page of the OnePlus Buds in Amazon has a “Notify Me” button that will notify the subscribers before the sale goes on.
Now coming to the design of the OnePlus buds we see that these TWS earbuds look very similar to the Apple AirPods with a slight orientation in design. It comes in a charging case that has a USB Type-C charging port and supports the company’s Warp Charge standard for fast charging. Each earphone weighs just 4.6g, while the charging case weighs 36g alone. These earbuds are powered by 13.4mm dynamic drivers for a very dynamic audio experience and one of the largest in the market at this price point right now. It also features environmental noise-canceling technology for better sound on voice calls.
OnePlus claims 30 hours of total playback time and 10 hours of playback time after 10 minutes of charging. The earphones also feature touch controls for playback, calls, and voice assistance on the earphones themselves. Needless to mention the OnePlus Buds supports Bluetooth 5.0.
Get your OnePlus Buds from here: