As we all know, the upcoming flagship OnePlus 12 will be launched next month in China. Before that, we learned that the OnePlus Buds 3 will also make its way soon. Spotted by Mukul Sharma, the Buds 3 has already made its way to the Indian BIS certification website, and as per the tipster, the serial production of the Buds 3 has started in several European and Eurasian regions.
This makes sense because the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 was launched alongside the OnePlus 11 last year, and if the OnePlus Buds 3 is launched alongside the upcoming OnePlus 12, it does make sense. As confirmed by Mukul, the Buds 3 has a battery capacity of 520 mAh/4.5 W, similar to the current Buds Pro 2. So, if you are a OnePlus fan and have been waiting to buy a new TWS, not only you can target the upcoming OnePlus 12 but also the Buds 3.
Buy the OnePlus Buds Pro 2: