OnePlus has unveiled a new concept device of the OnePlus 8T smartphone, showing a different kind of technology on which the company is currently working. Earlier, OnePlus has launched OnePlus 8T, but it is named OnePlus 8T concept. It features a colour-changing film under its back glass and mmWave radar.
The colour-changing feature looks really cool as it contains metal oxide and can change its colours based on different applied voltages by changing the valence state of the metal ions. We’ve seen in that concept art that this film can change its colour from silver to a dark blue and black. The etched back glass looks quite a bit similar to the Pamukkale hot spring terraces in Turkey.
Another highlight of the OnePlus 8T concept is it features a mmWave radar system that the standard OnePlus 8T does not offer. This mmWave radar system can receive and transmit electromagnetic waves by which the radar system perceive, image, locate, and track objects. It works well at a millimetre level as well as in any lighting condition.
Let’s try to get a clearer idea that how can we use these cool features. In recent days, smartphone manufacturers do not put a notification light on their devices. But earlier, like two or three years back, notification light was quite an important thing.
This OnePlus is likely to bring this notification light feature back in the colour-changing glass style as OnePlus has said that this colour-changing glass can be used as a notification system. On the other hand, the mmWave radar, embedded below the camera module can be used to detect your hand gestures by which you can accept or dismiss calls just by waving your hand over the device without even touching it.
The company is currently working on this new technology. As per its availability, OnePlus has not confirmed anything yet.