The One Piece anime, with over 1,000 episodes and ongoing success with the latest live-action series on Netflix, includes approximately 9% filler content, which is organised into filler arcs. here’s a concise One Piece Filler Episodes guide:
Table of Contents
One Piece Filler Episode:
Warship Island Arc (Episodes 54–60):
Skip this initial filler arc where the Straw Hats save a girl named Apis. It is the point where One Piece Filler Episodes start.
Arabasta Mini-Filler Arc (Episodes: 98, 99, 102)
These episodes provide side stories within the Arabasta saga. You can watch for a lighter tone or skip.
Post-Arabasta Arc (Episodes: 131-135)
This filler arc offers insights into the crew members’ dreams but lacks significant narrative content. You can choose to watch it.
Goat Island Arc (Episodes: 136-138)
In this uninspiring filler arc, the Straw Hats encounter goats on an island. Skip it for a more engaging experience.
Ruluka Island Arc (Episodes: 139-143)
This arc is yet another One Piece Filler Episodes and portrays the Straw Hats’ encounter with an oppressive dictator. While not highly recommended, it’s more tolerable.
G-8 Arc (Episodes: 196-206)
This well-regarded filler follows the Straw Hats trapped in a Marine base after Skypiea. It’s worth watching, with a short canon segment in episode 203.
Ocean’s Dream Arc (Episodes: 220-224)
These unique One Piece Filler Episodes focus on erasing the Straw Hat Pirates’ memories. The plot is intriguing but skippable.
Foxy’s Return Arc (Episodes: 225, 226)
These One Piece Filler Episodes have Foxy’s return but is generally not highly regarded. Episodes 225 and 226 contain canon elements.
Straw Hat’s Backstories Arc (Episodes: 279-283)
These One Piece Filler Episodes explore the backstories of Straw Hat Pirates, offering character insights.
Straw Hat and Buggy’s Adventures Arc (Episodes: 291, 292, 303)
Set in an alternate Edo period, these One Piece Filler Episodes feature the Straw Hats and Buggy. They are mildly entertaining but skippable.
Post Ennies Lobby Filler Arc (Episodes: 317-319)
These One Piece Filler Episodes, occurring after the Ennies Lobby arc, show the Straw Hats running errands. They offer light-hearted content but are optional.
Ice Hunter Arc (Episodes: 326-336)
These One Piece Filler Episodes, take place after the Post Enies Lobby arc, features the Straw Hats facing bounty hunters. You can watch it but also skip it.
Spa Island Arc (Episodes: 382-384)
After Thriller Bark, this fan-service filler includes a spa concept and Foxy’s return. It falls into the skippable category.
Boss Luffy Arc (Episodes: 406-407)
This Edo period filler involves a Portable Shrine race but is considered unremarkable.
Little East Blue Arc (Episodes: 426-429)
This special anime-only filler links to the One Piece Film: Strong World. Watch it if you plan to see the movie; otherwise, it’s skippable.
A Special Retrospective Before Marineford Arc (Episodes: 457-458)
Two retrospective episodes provide insights into Luffy’s past and the Marines’ preparations. Episode 458 is recommended for the Marine segment.
One Piece x Toriko Crossover 1 (Episode: 492)
A crossover episode with Toriko is worth watching if you’re a fan but skippable if not.
Luffy’s Past (Episode: 499)
This single-episode filler delves into the ASL trio’s interactions with Naguri, offering unique insights.
Straw Hats Reaction (Episode: 506)
This anime-canon episode adds depth to the story and is recommended for a more comprehensive understanding of events.
One Piece x Toriko Crossover 2 (Episode: 542)
Another crossover episode with Toriko can be watched if you’re a fan of both series or skipped if not.
Z’s Ambition Arc (Episodes: 575-578)
These post-time skip fillers set up the One Piece Film: Z and can be watched if you plan to see the movie.
One Piece X Dragon Ball X Toriko (Episode: 590)
Another crossover episode with Dragon Ball and Toriko can be watched if you enjoy all three series or skipped if not.
Caesar Retrieval Arc (Episodes: 626-628)
These One Piece Filler Episodes set up the One Piece Film: Red, featuring the Straw Hats trying to retrieve Caesar. Watch if you plan to see the film.
Silver Mine Arc (Episodes: 747-750)
These One Piece Filler Episodes set the stage for the One Piece Film: Gold and involve the Straw Hats encountering the Silver Pirates and their silver mine. Watch if you intend to see the movie.
Straw Hats Rescue Operation (Episode: 775)
This one-episode filler explores the Straw Hats’ activities in Zou after the main storyline. It’s moderately enjoyable but not essential.
Marine Rookie Arc (Episodes: 780-782)
After the Zou arc, these fillers depict the Straw Hats disguising as Marines to acquire food. While entertaining, they can be skipped.
Cidre Guild Arc (Episodes: 895, 896)
This setup for the One Piece Stampede movie features a battle against the Cidre Guild. Watch it if you plan to see the movie, but it’s generally considered uninspiring.
Uta’s Past (Episodes: 1029, 1030)
These recent episodes tie into the One Piece Film: Red, focusing on Uta. The events aren’t confirmed as canon. Watch if you intend to see the film.
What are filler episodes in One Piece?
Filler episodes are anime episodes that are not based on the original manga storyline. They are created to allow the manga to get ahead of the anime and avoid catching up.
Why would I want to skip filler episodes?
Skipping fillers allows you to focus on the main plot of One Piece as written by Eiichiro Oda in the manga.