Apple is poised to introduce the iPad Pro featuring OLED screens next month, bringing a host of new features and enhancements. However, with these enhancements, there is an expectation of a rise in prices for these gadgets. Previous speculations suggested that the OLED iPad Pro could be priced similarly to the MacBook Pros and it appears that these rumors are somewhat accurate as Apple is reportedly considering a price increase due to the advanced display technology.
More About the Upcoming OLED iPad Pro
In its publication, Omdia outlines Apple’s roadmap for transitioning to OLED technology noting a foldable device measuring around 20.3 inches possibly a future version of the MacBook. The report also hints at updates for the iPad Air and iPad mini in 2026 and 2027 respectively. Furthermore, details on pricing for panels in the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models are provided.
As per the report, the cost of an 11-inch OLED panel ranges from $280 to $290 while a 13-inch OLED panel falls between $380 and $390. These expenses could play a role in the price increase for OLED iPad Pro models. Aligning with reports from The Elec this suggests pricing around $1,500 for the 11-inch model and $1,800, for the 13-inch model. However, whether Apple can justify this price adjustment to consumers remains uncertain.
The OLED screen is an upgrade, from the LCD and mini LED screens, in existing models providing blacks with better contrast ratios and lower power usage. Additionally, rumors suggest that Apple is revamping the iPad Pro design to fit a display.
Recent coverage also suggests that the new iPad Pro models will be notably thinner, with the 11-inch model expected to be around 5.1mm thick and the 13-inch model around 5mm. With an expected announcement by the end of next month, more details on the OLED iPad Pro lineup will soon emerge.