Ola Electric’s CEO Bhavish Aggarwal took to Twitter to tease a new product launch on August 15, India’s 75th Independence Day. Aggarwal did not reveal any details, but Ola has shown interest in building electric cars and the CEO even tweeted the same many months ago. Without divulging the details of the new offering, Aggarwal tweeted, “Super excited to announce a new product this 15th August! Will also share more about our BIG future plans!! Do watch the Livestream. Sharing time and link soon.”
The Internet is busy with rumors regarding the new Ola vehicle breaking the cover on August 15, 2022. While some reports say that it is going to be the brand’s first all-electric car, a few reports indicate it is going to be a new scooter with more range or a removable and lockable battery.
A couple of months back, the brand had teased its upcoming electric car for the first time via a video which showed the front and rear ends of the car. In June this year, Ola teased the new car, showing sleek DRLs with red accents. The teaser also revealed the front and rear design of the car, which had the Ola logo on it. The electric car is likely to be a four-door sedan with a coupe-ish roof line with a long-range battery pack.
Reportedly, Ola is scouting for 1000 acres of land to make room for manufacturing electric four-wheelers. The brand claims that it is going to be double of the size of the Future Factory in Tamil Nadu where Ola S1 and S1 Pro scooters are built. Coming to the sporty electric car, we believe it could be the hatchback concept pictured here. Earlier, sources said, the company will launch an electric car for a price tag under Rs. 10 lakhs (ex-showroom).