Noise, India’s No.1 wearable smartwatch maker is going to launch Noise Flair, the first neckband in the Indian market having full touch control functionality. It was listed on the Amazon India page for over a couple of weeks and today, it’s ready to come on sale. The buying counters will be open at 12:00 noon via its official website and Amazon India. It costs Rs.1,799 only and coming in four color options – Black, Blue, White, and Green. You can check out the buy link given below.
The Noise Flair is equipped with 10mm big bass audio drivers to deliver a powerful audio output. Keeping in mind the work from home situation, the maker added Environmental noise cancellation tech from Qualcomm in this product. On top of that, the dual mic setup is there for a crystal clear calling experience.
It’s India’s first-ever neckband coming with the touch control functionality. Yes, you can manage tracks, take or reject calls, wake up voice assistants, and more without pressing any button.
The Noise Flair also houses fast charging technology. During the rush times, you have to just put the neckband for 8 minutes in the charger. This will give up to 8 hours of battery backup. As per the company claim, the Flair can take up to 35 hours to drain its fully charged battery.