About two months after the first appearance on Amazon India, the Noise Colorfit Pro 3 is finally launching today. India’s number one smartwatch brand as well as other gadgets making company, Noise has arrived with its first smartwatch for this year. In January, Noise already debuts in the audio market with the Noise Elan TWS, now, time for its favorite one.
The sale will start at 10 O’clock via the e-commerce platform Amazon India. INR 3,999 is the cost for one unit, under the Exclusive Launch Offer, and there will be six strap options to choose from. Point to note, the pricing can hike up to Rs.5,999 post the special launch offer period. So, hurry up. You can check out from the link given below.
Link: https://amzn.to/3q4y2nK
Specifications :-
The third generation Noise Colorfit Peo is coming with a 1.55-inch touch screen HD TruView display having 320×360 resolution and 500 nits of brightness. Going further, you can beautify the look even better. Thanks to the customizable and color-based watch face along with the six swappable colorful strap options. The 5ATM waterproofing will surely provide you the additional safety.
Now, time for the sensors and trackers that give the wearable the ability to keep an eye on your health, starting with the Blood Oxygen Monitor. It will monitor the Oxygen level on the go. Alongside this, you can also track your stress level, heart rate over all the day, attend breathing seasons, monitor sleep habits, and more. While working out, the smartwatch can also automatically detect that and switched to the particular activity mode among the 14 by itself.
Last of all, the Colofit Pro 3 will have Bluetooth 5.0 to sync it with the NoiseFit app in your smartphone and the 200mAh battery inside can provide you a long duration service.