The much-loved Bollywood film, No Entry, is set to come back with a sequel that promises a fresh and entertaining twist. According to a recent report by Pinkvilla, the sequel, titled No Entry 2, will see a new star cast taking the lead roles, with Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Arjun Kapoor stepping into the shoes of Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, and Fardeen Khan from the original film. The collaboration is backed by Boney Kapoor and Zee Studios, and the project is gaining momentum with director Anees Bazmee on board.
No Entry 2 Cast and Crew
Anees Bazmee, renowned for his comedic genius, is set to helm No Entry 2 as both the writer and director. The decision to bring Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, and Diljit Dosanjh as the lead actors has generated considerable excitement within the industry. According to sources close to the development, the trio has enthusiastically given their approval to the script, signalling a promising journey ahead.
Meetings and Preparations
The collaborative efforts of Boney Kapoor and Anees Bazmee have been evident in their extensive discussions with Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, and Diljit Dosanjh over the last six months. The report suggests that the trio has been actively involved in the creative process, showcasing their commitment to making No Entry 2 a memorable cinematic experience.
Plot and Release Details
No Entry 2 is anticipated to deliver a dose of hilarity, staying true to the essence of its predecessor. The sequel is scheduled to go into production in December 2024, with a grand theatrical release planned for 2025, marking the 20th anniversary of the original film. The official announcement of the project is expected to be made soon, heightening the anticipation among fans.
In addition to the main lead actors, No Entry 2 is set to feature a star-studded ensemble cast, adding to the excitement surrounding the project. The film is poised to capture the essence of the first instalment while introducing new elements to keep audiences engaged.
Upcoming Projects of the Lead Actors
While gearing up for No Entry 2, Varun Dhawan is currently engrossed in the Indian version of Citadel, where he shares the screen with Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Additionally, he has Baby John in the pipeline, showcasing his diverse range as an actor.
On the other hand, Arjun Kapoor is making waves with Singham Again, scheduled for release on Independence Day this year. His dynamic presence and commitment to varied roles continue to make him a sought-after talent in the industry.
The anticipation for No Entry 2 builds, and the inclusion of Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Arjun Kapoor promises a fresh and energetic take on the beloved classic. With the experienced hands of Anees Bazmee and the backing of Boney Kapoor and Zee Studios, the sequel is poised to capture the hearts of audiences once again.
Stay tuned on TechnoSports for more updates on this exciting venture that is set to bring laughter and entertainment to the big screen in 2025.