Qualcomm’s latest mid-range 5G SoC, Snapdragon 750G has been launched and now it has been spotted on Geekbench scoring some amazing numbers. It is basically an upgraded version of last year’s Snapdragon 730G but comes with an X52 5G modem, same found on the 765G.
So, the new Snapdragon 750G features the new Kryo 570 CPU which uses Cortex-A77 cores clocked at 2.2GHz which offers a 20 percent performance improvement over the Kryo 470 found in Snapdragon 730G. So, on paper, it obviously looked like the new chipset could beat the superior 765G, however, now its proved.
As per Digital Chat Station’s latest tweet, the new Snapdragon 750G score 650 points in Geekbench’s single-core test while scoring around 1950 points in the multi-threaded test. On the other hand, the Snapdragon 765G scores around 600 points in the single-core test while 1700 points in the multi-threaded test.
This is a clear win for the new Snapdragon 750G that could actually lower the price of 5G offerings without compromising on the performance.
Also, if the new Qualcomm chip is compared against its sole rival MediaTek’s new Dimensity 820, that scores 630 points in the single-core test while 2100 points in the multi-threaded test, the Qualcomm chip almost touches its rival chip and is similar to Kirin 820 that has 600 points in single-core and 2200 points in multi-core.
The success of the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G will solely depend on the fact how the US chip giant prices the chip. Hopefully, the new SoC shall give a breath of fresh air to the upcoming mid-range smartphones with 5G support.
via Notebookcheck
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With Snapdragon chipsets, all I can think of is how expensive they would be. I hope Qualcomm priced it well making it affordable for the people