The National Poker Series India has officially raised the stakes with its grand commencement on March 3rd, 2024. Kicking off with an unprecedented surge of 11,800+ participants on its opening day, the series is on a thrilling 21-day quest to crown the ultimate champions of India’s burgeoning Poker scene.
With a record-breaking prize pool of over INR 50 Crores and more than 450 medals up for grabs, this year’s edition is not just a tournament; it’s a monumental celebration of skill, strategy, and the spirit of Poker.
National Poker Series India 2024: India’s Premier Poker Showdown Is Here!
A Record-Breaking Start
The fourth iteration of the National Poker Series India has already made headlines with its explosive start, drawing in over 11,800 participants nationwide on the first day alone. The Kick-off tournament itself witnessed a staggering 2,500+ entries, marking a significant 25% increase compared to past editions. Delhi NCR’s own Ritwik Khanna took home the first gold medal of the series, setting a high standard for the competitions to follow.
NPS Camp: Where Champions Are Forged
In an innovative move, the National Poker Series India introduced the NPS Camp, a unique Poker reality series aimed at equipping players for the challenges ahead. Over four days, top leaderboard winners and five lucky social media contest victors gathered in Goa for an immersive training experience led by Poker pro Abhishek Goindi, in collaboration with Poker Boot Camp India. The camp focused on mental and physical well-being alongside in-depth gameplay strategies, offering participants a comprehensive preparation like never before.
This exclusive camp has also been transformed into a captivating four-part docu-series, available on PokerBaazi’s YouTube channel and Poker TV. The series offers a rare glimpse into the making of a Poker champion, blending strategy, humor, and raw emotion into a compelling narrative.
A Platform for Emerging Talents
Navkiran Singh, Founder and CEO of Baazi Games, expressed his enthusiasm for the growing prominence of Poker as a celebrated mind sport in India. He highlighted the strategic depth and psychological intricacies that make Poker an engaging sport for the Indian community. Singh is optimistic about achieving record participation this year, thanks to the innovative approaches and unique experiences offered by the National Poker Series India 2024.
Join the League of Extraordinary Players
For those looking to be part of this prestigious event, registration is open on the PokerBaazi app under the ‘Tournaments’ section. In a grand gesture, the top performers of the National Poker Series India 2024, as determined by the leaderboard, will be rewarded with an all-expenses-paid trip to the Poker capital of the world, Las Vegas.
The National Poker Series India 2024 is more than just a tournament; it’s a testament to the growing love and acceptance of Poker as a sport of intellect and skill. With its expansive prize pool, innovative training camps, and a platform that brings together the best of the best, this year’s series is set to redefine the Poker experience in India. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an aspiring enthusiast, the National Poker Series India 2024 is your battleground. Are you ready to claim your glory?