Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of Venkatesh’s film Narappa. It is directed by Srikanth Addala. This film is mainly a Telugu remake of Dhanush’s film Asuran. The story of the film is based on the tale of a farmer in Andhra Pradesh. After his eldest son killing wealthy landlords in a fit of rage and now he has to protect the entire family at any cost. The makers have released the trailer on 14th July.
The film’s story is set in the village of Andhra Pradesh, and now the trailer has shown the struggle of the farmer and his effort to escape his village with his family and his battle to protect them. It is produced by Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S. It is confirmed that the trailer will excite the fans.
After sharing the trailer, Venkatesh wrote that Fight for what is yours at the right time.
#NarappaTrailer out now:
As it is the remake of Dhanush’s Asuran, we will like to inform you that this film was got a huge response from the audience of Tamil film, and now this time, the makers are also expecting the same response from the viewers.
At first, the film was confirmed to get a release in theatres. Still, for the terrible second wave of the coronavirus pandemic situation, the makers have decided to release it on Amazon Prime Video.
The film is featuring with Venkatesh and Priyamani in the lead roles. It is also included with Ammu Abhirami, Karthik Rathnam, Rajsekhar Aningi, Rao Ramesh, and Rajiv Kanakala.
Release Date
The film is set to release on 20th July 2021.
Here is the trailer: