The new trailer of Dhanush’s featuring film, ‘Naane Varuean‘ was set to tease the latest Tamil thriller last Thursday. The new teaser provides an insight into the lives of two lookalikes and how their tales intermingle. After watching the teaser the film is dark and very thrilling as the actor has seen in the double role.
The film has been directed by Dhanush’s brother and the claimed director Selvanathan. The Tamil teaser starts with Dhanush standing in the middle of the jungle holding a bow and arrow in his hand. As he tells deeper into the jungle, he just unveils a knife from his jacket. The other character that’s also played by Dhanush is a completely simple man on the opposite of the rough look alike.
Tuvan Shankar raja’s music has added the thrill of the teaser that makes the viewer feel the darkness of both the characters. At the end of the teaser both the characters of Dhanush come for a face-to-face in a jungle as one of them gets choked by the other one.
The most interesting fact is within 24 hours, the teaser has crossed 2 million viewers and started to create a record. The movie has been produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu on the behalf of V Creations. Yuvan Shankar Raja composed the music for the film.
Nane Varuvean: Cast
Apart from Dhanush, we will see Induja, Yogi babu, Selvaraghavan, and also the others in the important roles. We can’t deny that the first look poster and the first song of the film Nane Varavane have dropped getting a good response from the fans. Dhanush will be seen in the role of the brother and brother.
Here is the teaser:
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