India’s leading lifestyle corporate house, VKC, has reached a significant milestone with the opening of its 11th My VKC Exclusive Brand Outlet (EBO) in Walajapet, Tamil Nadu. This new store marks a landmark achievement for a company that has successfully operated a traditional distribution network for over 40 years. With this latest addition, VKC has established a total of 12 stores in just nine months, including the flagship store in Calicut, Kerala.
India’s VKC opens its 12th store in 9 months
Revolutionizing Footwear Access in India
The My VKC EBO model was designed to connect with loyal customers in India’s villages and smaller towns, ensuring that high-quality footwear is accessible to everyone. Since its inception in 1984, VKC has been committed to delivering durable products at honest prices, making it a trusted name in the footwear industry.
As VKC celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, the company is taking a bold step forward by introducing contemporary global fashion trends to its customers at affordable prices across the Asian market.
A Vision for Equality and Accessibility
“I am extremely pleased to inaugurate the 11th My VKC store in Tamil Nadu. The idea of My VKC store is to bring global footwear fashion in real-time to the villages and towns in India. We do not consider My VKC stores as just any other brand store in the country. We have a different vision. We consider it a movement to bring the best in the world to all neighborhoods of India. This is a movement to spread equality and to help humanity enjoy the best,” said VKC Razak, Managing Director of VKC Group.
The majority of My VKC franchisees are seasoned entrepreneurs from the footwear industry, reflecting the trust and credibility that VKC has built over the years. The company is actively seeking to expand its footprint in Tamil Nadu and beyond through a low-investment franchise model.
Fashion for Everyone
My VKC stores cater to all age groups, offering a wide range of contemporary fashion across various segments, including girls, women, youth, men, and children. The stores celebrate diverse fashion categories such as sporty, festival, wedding, office, and youth fashion. Additionally, they feature healthcare footwear through the unique Ocare brand under the VKC Debon power brand.
With over 1,000 models rotating weekly across six power brands—VKC Pride, VKC Debon, GoodSpot, Eezy, Debongo, and Ja.May.Ka—My VKC stores ensure that there is something for everyone. Each power brand has its unique positioning:
- VKC Pride: Hardworking fashion footwear
- VKC Debon: A complete fashion brand covering all footwear categories
- GoodSpot: Classy premium footwear for special occasions
- Eezy: Home and office wear featuring India’s first Eezy-Tech technology for super-soft PU footwear
- Debongo: India’s first sporty fashion brand
- Ja.May.Ka: Fun wear showcasing the new Hawai category
Celebrity Endorsement and Future Opportunities
The legendary Amitabh Bachchan endorses all VKC brands, adding to the credibility and appeal of the products. With over 50 years in the industry, his endorsement is a testament to VKC’s commitment to quality and style.
My VKC stores are now open for new franchise inquiries from all parts of India. This is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to join a brand that is not just about footwear but about making a difference in the lives of people across the country.
Explore the world of My VKC and discover fashionable, affordable footwear that meets the needs of every individual. Join us in this movement to bring global fashion to every corner of India!