Renowned Sri Lankan cricketer, Muttiah Muralitharan, is brimming with excitement as the official trailer for his biographical film, titled “800,” was unveiled on September 5, 2023. The world premiere of the trailer was held in Mumbai, where Sachin Tendulkar and former Sri Lankan all-rounder Sanath Jayasuriya had the honor of doing so.
In order to recreate the great Sri Lankan spinner’s life journey on film, Madhur Mittal, who won an Oscar for his performance in “Slumdog Millionaire,” steps into the shoes of the star-studded cast.
Everything You Need to Know about the Muttiah Muralitharan’s Film ‘800’
This eagerly anticipated movie, which will be released in Tamil, Hindi, and Telugu, was expertly made by writer-director MS Sripathy. It will appeal to a wide audience anxious to see the incredible tale of Muralitharan. The film’s heart is shown in the trailer, which also reveals Muttiah Muralitharan’s previously undisclosed story. It starts with emotional flashbacks that take viewers back to Sri Lanka in the 1970s, an unstable period that saw the targeted persecution of Tamil minorities.
This setting eloquently conveys the extreme suffering faced by the Tamil community during those difficult times. A striking image emerges of a young man, clad in a white cricket jersey, kneeling before armed military personnel. An evocative voiceover resounds, emphasizing the extraordinary struggle faced by someone originating from a community of migrant laborers, where simply obtaining recognition as a citizen was an arduous endeavor. The trailer ends well with Muralitharan accepting his identity as a “cricketer” with pride. On October 6, the biographical movie “800,” which aims to be an emotionally charged and inspirational cinematic trip, will have its official premiere.
Muttiah Muralitharan’s stature in the cricketing world is nothing short of legendary. He is an ICC Cricket Hall of Famer and is widely recognized as one of the greatest bowlers in cricket history. His accomplishments are astounding; he is the only bowler in history to have taken 530 ODI and 800 Test wickets.
Muralitharan also etches his name as the highest wicket-taker in both Test and ODI formats, boasting an average of over six wickets per Test match. Notably, his encounters with Sachin Tendulkar are etched in cricketing lore, with the Sri Lankan maestro dismissing the iconic Indian batsman a total of 13 times during their fierce battles on the pitch.
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