ZEE5 has recently dropped the new poster of Mukti. The plot of the film revolves around the pre-independence era. It was the time when India was ruled by the Britishers. In India, they were the outsiders but they behave like the Indians are outsiders, they were just tortured, innocent Indian people.
They are treating Indians like dogs as they have once told Fogs and Indians were not allowed. They see Indians with the low eye. They could not treat Indians like a human. The Britishers were come to Indian and used the wealth of India and also took Indian wealth to their country and torture the nation.
Mukti: Plot
Indians are not the type who will defeat in front of them as there is a lot of revolutionists born in India. Many types of blood have been given to defeat that cruel Britishers. This film Mukti has been showing a short glimpse of people’s anger on them.
It is based on a team of prisoners of Midnapore Jail and challenges the British officers in the game of football. The twenty-second teaser just shows a group of prisoners whose necks and hands are constricted with an iron chain and in the center, there is one man who has a football.
In this motion poster, there is also a line, “Bhinno Mot, Ek Poth” that is confirmed indicating that the entire Indians beyond religion and cast will join in this game just to defeat the cruel Britishers. It is expected when the motive is good and following the path of Dharma then definitely they will win. If you want to know the result then you have to watch the movie.
Mukti: Release Date
This ZEE5 Original film will release on 26th January 2022. It is expected that it will take us to the time of the pre-independence era and get a huge response from the audience.
Here is the teaser:
A big thanks for the source.
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