The Motorola One Fusion+is finally launched in India via Flipkart with a Snapdragon 730G chipset and a pop-up selfie camera. The price of this smartphone in Europe is around €300 which converts to Rs.26,000 and seemed to be expensive, but after the launch in India, the brand confirmed that this smartphone will be priced under Rs.20,000 in India and can become one of the best in this price range. Now let’s discuss about the details of the smartphone. The brand launched its second smartphone with a pop-up selfie camera today that will be available on June 24 on its first sale via Flipkart obviously.
Specification of Moto One Fusion+:
- 16.51 cm (6.5 inch) Full HD+ Display
- 64MP + 8MP + 5MP + 2MP rear camera
- 16MP Front Camera
- 6 GB RAM
- 128 GB ROM
- Expandable Upto 1 TB
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G Processor
- 5000 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery
To be more precise the Motorola One Fusion+ packs a 16.51-centimetre (6.5) HDR10 certified Total Vision Full HD+ display with an aspect ratio of 19.5:9. It is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G processor, along with 6GB of RAM. The phone features a huge 128GB storage that can be expanded upto 1TB. The Motorola One Fusion+ sports a 64MP main camera on the back joined by an 8MP ultrawide (118° FOV), a 5MP macro, and a 2MP depth sensor units. For selfies and video calls, you get a 16MP camera mounted on a pop-up module. This smartphone’s powerful 5000-mAh battery has what it takes to help you browse the Internet for up to 15 hours and a standby time of up to 23 days.
Price and Availability:
The Motorola One Fusion+ is priced at Rs.16,999 and will be available on sale on June 24.