On Tuesday, the global launch of the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion was announced by the company. The smartphone, which is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset and boasts a Pantone-validated display and camera system, joins the recently introduced Indian variant, the Motorola Edge 50 Pro. Priced at EUR 399 or around 20,700 INR, the new phone will be available in select markets in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Oceania region over the coming weeks.
The Latest Motorola Edge 50 Fusion
Motorola has yet to confirm the launch of the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion in India. The vegan leather Hot Pink and Marshmallow Blue and Poly Morgan Blue variants with a poly yardcone cover finish are the three color options available to users. In terms of the display, the device is equipped with a 6.7-inch full-HD+ pOLED panel with a 144Hz refresh rate, which offers a smoother and more tactile experience. Additionally, the screen had a peak brightness of 1,600 nits and accounted for 92% of the total area.
The Motorola Edge 50 Fusion is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor processor processor that processor with up to 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 2.2 internal storage. On Motorola’s new Android 14-based Hello UI, consumers can get a smooth and easy OOB experience. with a 50-megapixel primary rear sensor and a 13-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens. For capturing stunning selfies and engaging in video calls, the device sports a 32-megapixel front camera.
Fueling the smartphone all day long is a robust 5,000mAh battery, and it supports 68W wired fast charging for additional flexibility. It provides various connectivity options, including 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, Bluetooth 5.2, and USB Type-C. It also has compatible biometric sensor and IP rating items, similar to those of the Motorola Edge 50 Ultra, ensuring adequate security and durability. The dimensions of the device are 161.9mm x 73.1mm x 7.9mm, and it weighs 174.9g. Motorola Edge 50 Fusion is a fantastic blend of performance and lightness to cater to all consumers.