Moto G9 launched in India via Flipkart and is available in two different colour options. The price of the phone is set at Rs.11,499 and the sale will start on 31st July at 12 PM. The phone has a triple rear camera setup, features Snapdragon 662 processor, and is powered by a 5,000mAh battery. It also supports a 20W fast wired charging.
The Moto G8 was launched in Brazil but it was not introduced in India so this time the company came up with the Moto G9 in India as a budget smartphone. So leaks suggests that Moto G9 Plus is in works and the launch is nearing soon.
Specifications of Moto G9
Moto G9 comes with a 6.5-inch HD+ Max Vision TFT display with 87 percent screen-to-body ratio. The phone runs on Android 10 and features Snapdragon 662 processor paired with 4GB LPDDR4 RAM and 64GB of onboard storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB).
Coming to the cameras of the phone we can see triple-rear camera setup housed in a square camera layout design. It includes a 48MP primary sensor that has an f/1.7 lens and is based on a Quad Pixel technology, a 2MP depth sensor with an f/2.4 lens and a 2MP sensor with an f/2.4 macro lens. The front camera is an 8MP camera sensor housed in the drop notch on the top of the display.
Moto G9 is powered by a 5,000mAh battery and supports 20W fast charging. It weighs 200 grams, has a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner, and a Type-C charging port.
Price and Availability
Moto G9 is priced at Rs.11,499 and the sale will start on 31st August at 12 PM in Flipkart. The phone is available in two different colour options – Forest Green, Sapphire Blue.