Motorola, earlier this year, launched the G30 in India. The budget smartphone from Motorola features a quad-camera setup on the back and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC. It looks like Motorola is working on the launch of the G30’s successor model. The Moto G31 launch is expected to happen soon. The company has not yet announced the official launch details of the G-series smartphone. Meanwhile, the budget Motorola smartphone’s live images have leaked online. The details leaked from the NCC regulator’s database.
Several images of the Moto G31 have been released on the regulator’s website. Judging from the images, the smartphone will get a triple main camera, crowned with a 50-megapixel image sensor. The fingerprint scanner is expected to be combined with the brand logo on the back. Built-in battery capacity will be 5000 mAh. At the same time the model will remain without fast charging support. Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth and headset output will be in the arsenal of the upcoming product.
Other details revealed via the listing include a USB Type-C port and the speaker grille on the bottom edge. The phone has a 3.5mm headphone jack on the top edge, whereas the SIM tray is located on the left edge.
Mobile processor model is not specified yet, but it is known that Moto G31 will use a single-chip system without support for mobile networks of fifth generation. The smartphone will go on sale with Android 11 operating system in black and silver colors of the body at a price of $210 according to leakster Anthony.
Recall that another new product from Motorola will be Moto E40. It is attributed a 4000 mAh battery, IPS-matrix with refresh rate of 90 Hz and 48 MP camera. The cost of the smartphone will be €200.