Misfit, a sub-brand by the audio giant boAt is ready to launch its first grooming kit, Misfit T200 in the Indian market. As usual, considering the competitive market, the company is bringing its first product at less than Rs.2,000. It’s basically a trimmer with multiple attachments and needless to say, the kit is loaded with so many features. It costs just Rs.1,499. The sale will start today 5th May at 12 noon via boAt’s official website. The buy link is given below for your convenience.
Link: https://fas.st/jXbrHs
Features :-
As I mentioned, the Misfit T200 Grooming kit is loaded with lots of features. Have a look at what the brand is offering.
- Titanium blades for skin-friendly trimming every time
- 0.5mm to 12mm trimming range
- 120 minutes of battery life
- Takes just 60 minutes to charge fully
- USB Charging facility
- 6 grooming kits (in the box) with the one item
- 1-year domestic warranty