Last year Micromax had launched two new smartphones in India in the month of November. The company had launched two new smartphones named IN Note 1 and IN 1B last year, where both of the phones were very budget-friendly and 4G enabled. Indian customers have accepted as well as loved both the Made in India smartphones from the native brand.
Now the company is planning to launch another IN series smartphone in India. According to News Tak, the company will name it Micromax IN 2C on 15th July. The phone has recently been spotted on the Geekbench benchmark website as well.
Now coming to the specifications of the smartphone, News Tak has also highlighted that the upcoming Micromax IN 2C will feature 6.65 inches HD+ IPS LCD that will support 720×1520 pixel resolution. The phone will have 4GB RAM and will run Android 11. At the back, we will see a triple rear camera setup and an 8MP selfie camera at the front.
The company has not disclosed anything about its upcoming launch in India. Right now there is no such detailed information about the smartphone other than this, and e are hoping more to surface ahead of its official launch.
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