Xiaomi is about to launch the Mi TV Q1, a 55-inch 4K QLED smart TV in India on December 16th. But, just one day before its launch, the retail box of this Mi TV Q1 has been leaked in the market, revealing its price, specs, and features. Though we’ve already witnessed a number of leaks and rumors about this TV, this is something by which we can get all the info we want to get about this device. As per images shared, it is confirmed that this Xiaomi Mi TV Q1 has been manufactured and assembled in India at Dixon Technologies situated in Andhra Pradesh. So, without wasting any time, let’s get into the specifications of this Mi 4K QLED smart TV.
As per the renders, we’ve come to know that the Mi TV Q1 offers a 55-inch 4K compatible QLED display with the support of HDR 10+, Dolby Vision, Reality Flow, Google Assistant support, built-in Chromecast, and preloaded apps as well. The net weight mentioned on the box is 14.2kg. As per the power consumption, it is something around 180W. In the retail box, you will get this TV unit along with one remote control, warranty card, pair of stands, and four screws.
On the official website of Mi, you can see the teaser page of the product, which also confirms that this Mi TV Q1 will offer Dolby Vision, Dolby Audio support, and HDR 10+. Not only these but also as per the confirmation from Mi, it will support HDMI 2.1.
As of now, the pricing of this TV has not been confirmed by Mi. But as per the MRP, we’ve witnessed on the retail box, this Mi TV Q1 is priced at Rs.59,999. So, we can expect a price tag similar to it. Now, we have to wait for 16th December on which Mi will launch this TV with its original price tag.