Xiaomi alleged to launch the Mi Band 5 on June 11 with various new features. This time the smart band will be featuring a larger screen and a remotely smartphone camera controlling mechanism. There are many other features that will be revealed during the launch. The Mi Band 5 is almost at the end of its development stages and will be revealed soon. The image has been seen in Weibo and it shows the design and black color of the device. The image also tells the launch date and if you focus on the screen you can see the wide display with relatively thinner bezels on all sides than the previous versions.
The screen size will reportedly grow from 0.95″ to 1.2″ with thinner bezels. The Mi band 5 will also gain a new blood oxygen saturation sensor, Alexa support, and NFC that works outside of China. We’ve also seen the Mi Band 5 and it’s new plug-in type charger. Recent reports also claim that the Band will come with a remote shutter control feature, which will help users to remotely control their smartphone camera shutter. This new feature will help many photographers to do their work more precisely and can help in several group photo clicking situations.
According to some reports, Band 5 will be able to track five new exercise modes – yoga, elliptical machine, rowing machine, indoor cycling, and rope jumping. These features may be included in the final product and we can be sure from the launch. The launch date is on 11th June, on that day Xiaomi India is also willing to launch its first-ever laptop in the Indian market.