Xiaomi recently has overtaken Samsung and Apple to become the top smartphone maker in the world. Just last week, the Chinese smartphone giant introduced the Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 with its hidden under-display selfie camera and phenomenal specs. Last year, Xiaomi introduced a Mi 10T series of smartphones in global markets and India. Xiaomi unveiled two affordable yet premium smartphones the Mi 10T and the 10T Pro. The Mi 11T Pro is expected to go global on September 15 along with the Mi 11T smartphone.
While most specs of the phones have already been revealed, there’s been no information about the phones’ designs. Until now, that is. A new leak has now revealed renders of the Mi 11T Pro. The source appears to be the same person behind the leaked specs of the Mi 11T Pro series a few weeks ago. The renders make for great viewing, as they depict the phone with a clean design.
The renders make for great viewing, as they depict the phone with a clean design. They show the Mi 11T Pro with a brushed finish at its rear, a vertically stacked, rectangular camera module, a side-mounted fingerprint reader, and a 108 MP camera—as leaks have claimed.
Xiaomi can hold a physical launch event for the Mi 11T series in Berlin. While it’s technically a physical event as there’ll be an audience, they’d just be there to watch a live stream. Meanwhile, the launch of the Mi 11T series in Vietnam may be delayed till October due to COVID restrictions.
The specifications of the Mi 11T Pro was already tipped, phone can come with a 120 Hz FHD+ AMOLED, a Snapdragon 888, a 5000 mAh battery, 120 W charging, and a 108 MP main camera.
Xiaomi is yet to confirm the official launch details of the device. We would advise our readers to take the leaked specs with a pinch of salt.
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