Indian Online Market Flipkart has shared a poster of a smartphone featuring its specifications regarding the upcoming Big Billion day sale. Tipster Abhishek Yadav has posted about this leak on its twitter handle, mentioning it might be the upcoming Mi 10T Pro. The leaked specifications have been matched mostly with the specs of the poster, especially the 108MP primary camera. That’s why we are quite sure that this is a poster about the upcoming Mi 10T Pro. Let’s see what are specifications have been mentioned there.
If it is the MI 10T Pro, then the Indian variant of this phone will have two major changes. This phone will be fueled by a 6,000mAh battery instead of 5,000mAh & will be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ SoC instead of Snapdragon 865. The 6,000mAh battery will be supported by 33W fast charging.
According to some older leaks, the MI 10T Pro will run on the latest MIUI 11 which is based on Android 10 OS and will feature a 6.67-inch IPS LCD display with a Full-HD+ resolution with a refresh rate of 144Hz and a 20:9 aspect ratio. The display is protected by a Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection. This phone will come in two different color variants: Black, Blue, and Silver.
The SD 865+ SoC of this phone is paired with 8GB RAM/128GB storage and 8GB RAM/256GB storage, where the RAM is LPDDR5 and the storage is UFS 3.1. Coming to the camera section, the Mi 10T Pro is expected to feature a quad rear camera setup, which includes a fantastic 108-megapixel primary sensor, a 13-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 5-megapixel macro shooter. For the selfies, this phone will offer a 20MP selfie snapper at the front.
This phone is also expected to have a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and dual stereo speakers. Regarding the connectivity, the Mi 10T Pro is expected to feature every connectivity facilities, like 5G connectivity, Wi-Fi, dual-SIM support, NFC, Bluetooth 5.1, dual-frequency GPS, IR Blaster, and a USB Type-C port for charging. But unfortunately, there may not be a support of a 3.5mm headphone jack. In terms of size, this phone is expected to have a dimension of 165.1mm x 76.4mm x 9.33mm, and weight maybe around 218 grams.
Coming to the pricing, the Mi 10T Pro is rumored to be priced in between EUR 640 (roughly Rs. 55,500) and EUR 680 (roughly Rs. 59,000). We have that much information till now. We’ve to wait for the Big Billion Days to get the final image (specs and pricing) of this upcoming smartphone.