Xiaomi has launched its Mi 10 Ultra smartphone on its 10th-anniversary that was unveiled exclusively for China in August 2020. At the time of its announcement, this phone’s DXOMARK camera review results have been come out which says that it was the champion of that time. However, the Mi 10 Ultra has lost to Huawei Mate40 in October. Recently, the DXOMARK selfie result of this phone has been published and the fact is, this phone made us disappointed as it has managed to score only 88 points for its selfie camera. With this selfie review score, the Mi 10 Ultra ranked distant 22nd. So, in simple words, the front camera module of this phone is not really up to mark compared to its rear camera setup, or we can say it is very average.
The Mi 10 Ultra features a curved OLED single punch-hole display. The punch-hole is located at the top left side of the display that holds a selfie camera which includes a 20MP 1/3.4-inch fixed-focus sensor with an f/2.3 lens. You can record videos with this camera up to a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels (FHD) at 30 fps.
Now let’s breakdown the scoring of it into different sections. For photos, the selfie camera bagged 86 points and for videos, it has managed to grab 92 points. The images from the camera show accurate exposure (generally) on faces. But if you want to click an image or shoot a video having a higher dynamic range, highlights will be clipped. Also, in terms of low-light images, we can see noise, flare, color quantization, and more. The unnatural blur effect destroys your portrait selfie as well. In terms of videos, things got slightly better with effective stabilization, well-controlled noise, and accurate exposure (both outdoor and indoor). Some times, we face facial detail loss and unnatural skin tones in low-light conditions.