The makers of the forthcoming Telugu web series Maya Bazaar For Sale, newly released the show’s trailer, which has saved the attention of quite a few in the Telugu picture fraternity. Set to release on Zee 5, the web sequences discuss a diverse gated community. The show consists of an ensemble cast of Navdeep Pallapolu, Eesha Rebba, Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Hari Teja, Jhansi Laxmi, Meiyang Chang, Sunaina besides Kota Srinivas Rao. Directed by Gautami Challagulla, it is advanced in association with Rana Daggubati’s Spirit Media and then produced by Rajeev Ranjan.
The TV show, as stated in a press release by a journalist, revolves around a secluded neighborhood called Maya Bazaar. It mainly explores the dynamics and connections between various families from different backgrounds, such as the Pastry, Gandhi, Hippie, Bachelor, and an affectionate couple deeply in love. Each family settles into their new homes within the gated community. The show falls into the comedy genre and the teaser suggests that it will delve into the varied behaviors exhibited by these families residing in the closed-off residential area.
Some residents rear felines, while others rear bovines. Amidst this, a woman perpetually engages in arguments with her spouse, while the rest of the community is depicted as perfectionists. Interestingly, the land on which they reside is unauthorized. The government has issued orders for the destruction of the civic facilities and houses. Now, the question arises as to how these individuals will handle such a predicament given their current circumstances.
The authorized narrative of the show explains that the characters’ hopes for a calm and prosperous life are shattered when the government declares the construction as illegal. The storyline of “Mayabazaar for Sale” revolves around the aftermath of this tragedy, delving into the personal lives and communal existence of the characters.
“The show aims at standardizing unconventional ideas with light-hearted comedy. At ZEE5, we take arrogance in collaborating with storytellers to acquire assorted and socially relevant happiness that is sure to entertain the audience,” said Manish Kalra, the Chief Business Officer of Zee5. The display is set to stream from July 14.
Maya Bazaar for Sale ZEE5 Web Series Cast
Navdeep Pallapolu, Eesha Rebba, Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Hari Teja, Jhansi Laxmi, Meiyang Chang, and Sunaina, besides Kota Srinivas Rao, among others, star in Maya Bazaar for Sale Telugu web series.
Maya Bazaar for Sale ZEE5 Web Series: Plot
The show Maya Bazaar for Sale portrays the survives of different families, including the Pastry, Gandhi, the Hippies, the Single man, and the Lovey-Dovey couple, who transfer into high-end villas within the fenced-in community named ‘Maya Bazaar.’ According to a press release, these relatives anticipate a luxurious and peaceful lifestyle but face a holdup when the government declares the construction illegal. The series explores the outcome of this tragedy, delving into the characters’ personal subsists and community dynamics. Over light-hearted comedy, Maya Bazaar for Sale aims to normalize unusual ideas and concepts.
Maya Bazaar for Sale Trailer:-
Maya Bazaar for Sale ZEE5 Web Series
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