Manish Saini Directed Gujarati Film ‘Gandhi & Co.’ wins second best Indian feature film at 13th BENGALURU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL
Gujarati film ‘Gandhi & Co.’ Staring Darshan jariwala, Reyaan Shah, hiranya zinzuwadia, Jayesh More, Druma Mehta, Sharad vyas and Dhyani Jani. Directed by Manish Saini and Produced by Mahesh Danannavar wins the second-best Indian Cinema Award among 200 films from 55 countries at the 13th edition of the Bengaluru International Film Festival, the film festival is being organized by the KCA for the Government of Karnataka. Biffes is accredited by the Prestigious International Federation of Film Producers Association (FIAPF).
‘Gandhi & Co.’ was part of Film Bazaar Recommends 2021 List among many Asian films conducted by the National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. ‘Gandhi & Co’ was the only film from Gujarati to be part of the FBR 2021 list as well as Biffes 2022.