Manifest Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix. It is the most-anticipated American supernatural drama-based TV series, created by Jeff Rake. The series is produced by Cathy Frank, Laura Putney, Margaret Easley, Harvey Waldman, and Marta Gene Camps its production companies are Compari Entertainment, Jeff Rake Productions, Universal Television, and Warner Bros. Television Distribution.
It consists of 3 seasons with 42 episodes. Its first season was released on 24th September 2018, the second season was released on 6th January 2020, and the third one was released on 1st April 2021. It was released on NBC Network and Netflix.
Manifest Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix
Manifest Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix. It arrives today i.e. 4th November 2022 onwards. Only the first 10 episodes are now streaming on Netflix, it is going to be the finale season consisting of the supersized 20 episodes.
Sneak Peak of the series Manifest
The series told us the story of the passengers of the flight who fly from Jamaica and faced turbulence before landing in New York City. Since this incident, five years have passed out. Everyone thought all the passengers were dead. But some of the passengers came back and reintegrate into society. It was found that some of them experience bizarre voices and visions that seem they can predict the future.
However, previously the entertainment company dropped the TV show because they thought that people has lost interest. But WB licensed seasons 1-2 to Netflix, and the show has shown its popularity among Americans. According to Netflix, users watched more than 214,520,000 million hours of the Manifest’s seasons 1 to 3 in the US and Canada.