At last Sakshi-Tanwar’s latest Netflix series ‘Mai’ was released. This series is featuring Sakshi Tanwar in the lead role. This Netflix series has been made by Atul Mongia and is also subtitled ‘A Mother’s Rage’, and it is all about the middle-class mother whose daughter has been crashed by a truck in front of her eyes.
Primarily it seems like an accident until the death might like to be intentional as the girl seemed some upset moments before she become dead, and wanted to tell some words to her mother about something unknown. It is clear that whoever murdered her stopped her to leak that information.
The story of the series is based on Sheel’s daughter who has been ruthlessly murdered and has been executed to take revenge for her death. It has been contained such white-collar crimes and also such ugly politics as the path bec0ome definitely does not seems to be an easy one.
It is natural as a mother she becomes disturbed and grief-ridden but after discovering that there is something hidden in this whole event, something hardens inside her and she becomes very vengeful. No0w she is eager to get back with the responsibility and no matter what it has been taken. Now her attitude is also exacerbated by the awareness she had done not know about her daughter like she thought she has done it.
Mai targets the entire system containing the law enforcement and the civil society and also has been the echo of Sridevi-featuring MOM and Denis Villeneuve’s 2013 crime thriller prisoners. Now Tanwar will be remarkable for well-cast here like the mother with strong willpower and who would stop at nothing to get the payback. In this 2 minute trailer, she just left the short impact that is incredible.
Mai: Cast
This series is produced by Karnesh Sharma from Clean Slate Filmtz and directed by Anshai Lal and Atul Mongia. This series features Vivek Mushran, Wamiqa Gabbi, Anant Vidhaat, Raima Sen, Ankur Ratan, Prashant Narayan, Vaibhav Raj Gupta, and Seema Pahwa.
The director Atul says,” Since childhood, my mother has woken up before the break of dawn and toiled till she could not keep her eyes open any longer. While dabbling in, multiple side-careers, she is uncommon to Indian mothers. Just like my mother, despite the many ups and downs in life. Mai too retains her sanctity by shunning the world outside of her family. But what if her existence were to cross paths along with extremely dire and appealing circumstances?”
Mai: Release Date
This Netflix series will start to premiere on 15th April 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for source1 & source2.
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