Disney Plus Hotstar has dropped the trailer of the upcoming film ‘Maaran’. It is the latest Tamil language offering film. We will see Dhanush and Malavika Mohanan feature in the lead role. This movie has been blooming such office romance in between Maaran and his colleague played by Malavika. The father of Dhanush reveals fact that the actor has not divio0rces as calls it ‘regular family fight’.
Maaran: Plot
The story of the film introduces Dhanush’s Maaran as a celebrated investigative journalist who has not to hesitated to speak the truth to those who are in power. In this film, he is known among his peers for being to be drunk and also having difficulty dealing with it. He also has such a penchant for violence also and has been seen to be stabbing the bunch of good along with the tip of his ballpoint pen.
There is also one who will expose on to the scam, irks who is a powerful politician and also comes after Maaran along with all of his might. Now Maaran has to rely on wit and the moxie to battle against the whole system and also to save his loved ones. Maaran’s relationship with his sister also assumes such an important part of the narration.
Maaran: Casts
This film will feature Dhanush, Malavika Mohanan Samuthirakani, Smruthi Venkat, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Mahendran, and Ameer.
Disney Plus Hotstar also shared the trailer on its Twitter account:
Malavika currently took to Instagram to announce that the film would soon stream on the platform. The 28 years old actor wrote, “ Happy Valentine’s Day from us to you! #Maaran. See you soon on @disneyplusHSRam,”
Maaran is basically Karthick’s fourth directorial outing after the successful debut of Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru had been followed by Mafia: Chapter 1. This film has been bankrolled by Sathya Jyothi Films the film also features Malavika Mohanan and Samruthi Venkat of Mookuthi Amman fame. The music has been scored by GB Prakash Kumar.
This film has been produced by TG Thyagarajan, Sendhil; Thyagarajan, and Arjun Thyagarajan of Sathya Jyothi Films.
Maaran: Release Date
This film will hit be on Disney + Hotstar on 11th March 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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