M-League, India’s leading platform for gaming, has officially launched Blast+, a dedicated Free-to-Play (F2P) publishing arm designed to empower both global and indie game developers. This exciting initiative aims to help developers publish and scale their games in India, which is rapidly emerging as the fastest-growing mobile gaming market in the world.
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M-League Launches Blast+: A Dedicated Publishing Arm for Global and Indie Free-to-Play GamesBengaluru
Unlocking the Potential of Free-to-Play Gaming
Sai Srinivas, Co-Founder of M-League, expressed his enthusiasm for the F2P model, stating, “We believe that Free to Play represents the next big opportunity for gaming in India. The F2P market in India is at a similar stage to where skill gaming was in 2018 when we launched MPL. We’re already seeing promising signs, with an increase in In-App Purchases (IAP) and a growing willingness among players to try new titles. We’re confident that Blast+ can unlock substantial revenue potential for F2P games and attract a new gaming audience in India.”
Building on Success: The GameDuell Experience
The launch of Blast+ follows M-League’s successful acquisition of GameDuell in 2022, which was initially a web-based skill gaming company. M-League invested significantly in transforming GameDuell into a cross-platform experience that spans both web and mobile, with a strong emphasis on Free-to-Play gaming. Today, nearly 70% of GameDuell’s revenue comes from F2P games, showcasing the potential of this model.
What Blast+ Offers
Blast+ is set to bring a diverse array of new games to India from both global and indie gaming studios. The platform will focus on several key areas to ensure success:
- Localization: Tailoring games to resonate with Indian audiences.
- Marketing: Implementing effective strategies to promote new titles.
- Live Operations: Ensuring ongoing engagement and support for players.
- Payment Solutions: Streamlining transactions for a seamless user experience.
- Data Analytics: Leveraging insights to enhance game performance and player satisfaction.
- Customer Service: Providing robust support to players for a better gaming experience.
To spearhead this initiative, M-League has assembled a powerhouse team of industry veterans from renowned companies such as EA, Activision Blizzard, Riot Games, Wargaming, and Scopely. This team brings exceptional expertise in game publishing and player engagement, positioning Blast+ for success in the competitive gaming landscape.
The Growing Gaming Landscape in India
With nearly 600 million gamers in India, the market is ripe for innovation and growth. According to a report by Lumikai, Indian gamers are increasingly open to exploring new genres and intellectual properties (IP). Notably, 41% of users have transitioned from casual gaming to a broader range of gaming experiences, while 28% are eager to experiment with new genres. The Indian market is also witnessing significant growth in In-App Purchase spending, with the average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) reaching $19.2 in FY23—an impressive increase of nearly 10x since FY19.