The trailer of Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi’s romantic love drama film Love Story has been dropped. The two-actor have come for the first time for sharing the screen space in Love Story. This film has been set for theatrical release. To maintain the excitement of the fans the makers have shared the trailer before releasing the film. In this trailer, we have seen Naga Chaitanya as Revanth and Sai Pallavi as Monica who is trying to find out a way to live together in this world.
The story of the film is based on a boy and a girl who meets suddenly. In their life, they both have faced many obstacles in their life. They are both like two opposite poles, but it is true that the two opposite poles of a magnet attract each other, as they both have fallen in love. After their families come to know about their relationship, they show their disagreement about their relationship, but their love is boundless, so they rebel against their families. In the high of dance that also has given such measure the place where all the underdogs have been triumph eventually
After sharing the theatrical trailer, the makers wrote, “Few experiences stay with us for a lifetime. One such is #LoveStory.
This love drama film is featuring Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi, Devayani, Rao Ramesh, Posani Krishna Murali, Rajeev Kanakla, and Easwari Rao. It is produced by Amigos Creations and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas, Vijay C Kumar who has been come as the cinematographer with Marthand K Venkatesh as the editor. The film has been directed by Sekhar Kammula.
Release Date
At first, this film was set to release in theatres on 16th April, but this film also has faced a delay due to the terrible coronavirus pandemic situation. After that, the makers have decided to release the film on 19th September 2021. As the situation is not in control completely, the release date has been postponed once again and now the makers have set to release the film on 24th September 2021.
Here is the trailer: