Netflix has currently dropped the trailer of the film Love Hard, it is an upcoming holiday romantic comedy film, featuring The Vampire Diaries’ Nina Dobrev who is a girl who has been fallen in love with a guy along halfway across the country, and has taken the decision for the surprise for the holidays, it is just to realize about such keen catfishes happen by someone just for the pretending to be like him.
In this latest film, Dobrev is featuring as Natalie who is a journalist, and become romantic hopelessly and has found herself unlucky in love but after she finds a match with whom that she just has thought is handsome Josh, she has decided to fly eventually along the country to give him a surprise.
She has found that she has been catfished by the real Josh, and Natalie also has been decided for Josh for making up for her to provide the help to set her up with such gorgeous hat she was talking about online.
It is definitely a classic romantic comedy scenario, but we will say that time will tell for Natalie to choose the local heartthrob Tag or also even the guy who has also been in front of her during the entire time. Love Hard has been directed by Hernan Jimenez, along with the screenplay by Danny Mackey & Rebecca Ewing.
It has also been including the producer’s McG and Mary Viola. Additionally, there are also Dobrev, Barnet, and Yang, and also the cast has been contained with James Saito, Harry Shum Jr., Mikaela Hoover, Heather McMahan, Rebecca Staab, Althea Kaye, Mathy Finochio, and Fletcher Donovan.
Release Date
This romantic comedy-drama film will release on 5th November 2021.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.