Actor Lokesh Batta took on the role of a police officer for the first time in his career in the Watcho Exclusives web series ‘Oh My Wife!’ The series. recently launched on Watcho, features him as Ranbir, a police officer investigating a high-society murder case. The actor has now revealed the reasons behind his decision to accept the series, his preparation for the role, and the feedback he has received from people.
Lokesh Batta on playing cop for the first time in Watcho Exclusives Oh My Wife!: We’ve observed cops since childhood
Opening up on what convinced him to say yes to Oh My Wife! Lokesh Batta said, “While the story was convincing enough, I have to admit, the character was written so well that I felt like it was made for me. Moreover, the way director Shaurya Singh presented it to me, made me say yes instantly. My character is someone courageous, strong, adaptable, and thinks critically. Most importantly he is a very active listener, and it is a must for cops. All these traits drew me towards the character, and we shot everything at a fast pace, in merely one or two shots.”
The talented actor revealed his preparation for the role and confessed that it wasn’t very challenging for him. “We’ve all seen cops in movies and real life, been around them, and interacted with them. So, there wasn’t much preparation needed for me. I picked up a lot of traits that a cop has and added my touch to bring the character to life. It was an interesting journey for me. Honestly, it wasn’t challenging because we’ve observed cops since childhood—the way they behave, handle situations, and deal with difficulties—so I could naturally incorporate that into my performance,” he shared.
The series available on Watcho has been receiving a lot of praise from viewers for its storyline, performances, and direction. Talking about the admiration he has received from people, Lokesh said, “I played a cop for the first time on screen, and it was truly a unique experience for me. The reaction of my friends and Instagram family has been very positive, and they’re quite liking my role. I’m overwhelmed with the reaction.”
Oh My Wife!, written, and directed by Shaurya Singh, is a suspenseful thriller featuring Mudasir Bhat, Lokesh Batta, Sneha Singh Sisodia, and Deepanshi N. Shakya in pivotal roles. The Watcho Exclusives series revolves around Vivek, a skilled forensic expert, navigating personal turmoil amid a high-profile murder case. Balancing professional challenges and personal conflicts, Vivek faces a twist when suspicions arise about his wife. The series keeps viewers on edge, raising the question: Is Vivek’s wife hiding something sinister, or is the killer someone else entirely? The gripping narrative unfolds with suspense, keeping audiences guessing until the very end.
Oh My Wife!’ is streaming on Watcho.