May 25 will be milestone for Realme in India as the brand will be launching its first smart TV on that day. The company said in a report that it will launch around eight products on May 25 in China among which there will be two smartphones, two kinds of TWS earphones, television, smartwatch, etc.
The scenario of India is quite different, here the brand is launching a few products including its first Smart TV. The official website of Realme India has revealed three products – Realme Smart TV, Realme Watch, and Realme Buds Air (Neo) until now to be launched on May 25.
1.Realme Smart TV
To know more about this device click here.
2.Realme Watch
- 3.5cm (1.4″) Large Colour Display
- Customizable straps (Colour and Design)
- Intelligent activity tracker
- Real-Time Heart rate monitor
- Blood oxygen level monitor (SpO2)
- All in one control center (Realme Link Smart App)
- Smart notifier
- Music and Camera control in the device
3.Realme Buds Air Neo
- 13mm large Bass Boost Driver
- 17 hours total playback
- 50% lower latency
- Touch control on buds