Liger is an upcoming movie, starring a famous south Indian actor Vijay Deverakonda. It is directed by Puri Jagannadh and it is co-produced by Karan Johar, Charmme Kaur, Apoorva Mehta, and Hiroo Yash Johar under Puri connect and Dharma productions. Earlier, the poster of the movie went viral on social networking platforms. The movie itself has become famous after its poster release before any promotion.
Liger trailer coming soon
On Monday, Dharma Productions made an announcement about the release date of the upcoming film starring Vijay Deverakonda. The makers have also shared a sneak peek of a marketing meeting with the hero of the movie along with the producer Karan Johar.
In the video, we have seen that both of them are discussing where they all will be going to visit in order to do promotion of the upcoming sports drama. As they have to start from zero in the cities of Hyderabad and Mumbai. Vijay has ended the clip by saying that the trailer will create “havoc”.
Vijay Deverakonda even shared a new poster along with a caption that read, “In 3 days, Havoc. Liger trailer.”
Dharma Productions had also tweeted the announcement with a caption that read, “IT’S GOING TO BE A KNOCKOUT OF A TRAILER LAUNCH!🤙🏻 2 City Trailer Launch! 📍HYDERABAD 📍MUMBAI. Just 3 days to go. #LigerTrailerOnJuly21. #Liger #LIGERTrailer.”
The movie is about an MMA fighter, it is going to be filmed in Hindi as well as in Telugu language. This is Vijay Deverakonda’s first Bollywood movie, it stars Vijay Deverakonda, Ananya Pandey, Ronit Roy, and Mike Tyson in pivotal roles. The movie is going to release in theatres worldwide on 25th August 2022.
Read- Liger poster: The poster has created a huge hype on the internet