LG unveiled yesterday the Style 3, a mid-range device with an old look. The phone has a traditional notch which was first introduced in iPhone X. The phone will be released in June at a price of just over JPY 38,000 ($350/€320). Now Japan is trying to move out all its companies and employees from China amid Coronavirus pandemic.
The Style 3 comes with a 6.1” OLED display with high resolution, 1440p+. The display is comparatively small and the device has a dual rear camera of 48MP + 5MP and has a selfie camera of 8MP.
The phone packs in Snapdragon 845 which is a two-generation old chipset but was a flagship chipset at a time. Moreover, the Style 3 will only be available in 4GB RAM and 64GB storage variant with an expanding option via microSD card up to 512GB.
The device is powered by a 3500mAh battery and there is no mention of fast charging. On the other hand, the device is waterproof with IP68 and IPX5 ratings (the latter shows protection against water jets).
The price and the exact date of availability of Style 3 has not been revealed yet. The device is said to be a mid-range smartphone so we can guess the pricing can range between $250-$350.