LG Electronics India has launched two new soundbars in India, called the LG S95TR and LG S90TY. Both soundbars are tuned to deliver a full audio experience with LG TVs, including wireless Dolby Atmos and true wireless rear surround speakers with the S95TR model. The flagship LG S95TR soundbar is equipped with 17 speakers, promising surround sound and clear dialogue.
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LG S95TR and S90TY soundbars launched in India: Features, pricing, and availability details
The LG S95TR is priced at ₹84,990, and the LG S90TY is priced at ₹69,990. These soundbars can be found for sale online and in physical retail shops. However, the LG S95TR is the new flagship soundbar at 810W which is made up of a mere 17 speakers, all placed in a manner to offer full surround sound and even a 9.1.5 channel setup with 5 up-firing speakers. There are upgraded tweeters and passive radiators for balanced sound at low-frequency response to 120Hz.
The soundbar is compatible with WOWCAST, which allows you to connect it wirelessly to select LG TVs. Sound quality and setting adjustments are improved with features like Dolby Atmos, DTS:X2, and the WOW Interface. The WOW Orchestra technology processes the TV and soundbar audio in tandem to translate into an expanded stage, as well as 3D Spatial Sound Technology that utilizes a 3D engine for life-like sound. Additionally, the LG AI Room Calibration optimizes audio based on room acoustics and rear surround speakers.
The LG S90TY soundbar offers a 5.1.3 channel setup with 570W of output. Unlike the S95TR, it does not come with wireless rear surround speakers but includes a center up-firing speaker. It supports Dolby Atmos, AI Sound Pro, Hi-Resolution Audio, and several other advanced audio technologies. Connectivity options include HDMI, Bluetooth 5.1, Wi-Fi, and a USB port, with additional support for AI Room Calibration Pro and Soundbar Mode control.
Buy from Amazon India: https://amzn.to/40yRD2V
What is the price of the LG S95TR and S90TY soundbars in India?
The LG S95TR is priced at ₹84,990, while the LG S90TY costs ₹69,990.
Do the LG S95TR and S90TY soundbars support Dolby Atmos?
Yes, both the LG S95TR and S90TY soundbars support Dolby Atmos for an immersive audio experience.