There are only two companies ruling the world of displays, one of them is the LG Display and the other one is Samsung Display. For a longer period of time, LG Display has been reportedly working on its transparent OLED panels, and now, the company is aiming to use it as a “Smart Bed” concept by which a 55-inch transparent screen that would function as a TV that can turn invisible when not in use. Basically, LG is about to make TVs having transparent displays.
During the CES 2021 show of LG, it had introduced the “Smart Bed” concept and it works something like this, a transparent display will be there on the foot of the bed, or even at other positions inside your home. You just have to simply press a button by which the transparent will rise from the base for your viewing. This device will not require any external speaker, credit goes to its Cinematic Soun to output audio.
LG has shown so many other applications of this 55-inch transparent panel. For example, if this transparent OLED screen being used in restaurants, customers can easily see the preparation of their meals by the chef. Apart from it, subway trains can use this technology as well offering a view of the outside. LG claims that this 55-inch transparent OLED panel is capable to offer a high 40 percent transparency level comparing with the 10 percent found in LCD screens. In the future, LG will surely share something more about its invisible OLED TVs.