AMD has already submitted its upcoming graphics processors to its OEM partners for custom development. However, not all OEMs have successfully adopted the next-gen graphics units as of yet. But recently, Lenovo product manager of Gaming Desktops posted three photos of the upcoming Radeon RX 6800 XT graphics card. The card has been compared with the OEM custom dual-fan version of Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 3070 model.
According to sources, the Radeon RX 6800 graphics card used for the quick photo session is the same card that has appeared in several of the leaks. Hence it seems that OEM has designed the black version of RX 6800 XT for their gaming systems. Sources claim that Sapphire makes all these cards. So, it was just a simple modification to the reference model’s color scheme to hide the device’s actual looks.
AMD’s Radeon RX 6800 XT is a Navi 21 GPU based graphics card released in 10 days on November 18th. The menu features 4608 Stream Processors along with 16 GB of GDDR6 memory. The Radeon RX 6800XT is a 2.5 slot-design and requires dual 8-pin power cables. The semi-custom GeForce RTX 3070 unveiled by Lenovo only uses one 8-pin power connector. However, Nvidia’s card is just as thick as the Radeons.
With OEM’s already adopting the custom AMD cards, the company processors are ready to impress us in the desktop gaming segment. As always, the desktop gaming processor market was dominated by Nvidia, but with the advent of Zen 3 based AMD cards, the tide is about to change. Whether the RX 6800 XT will tackle Nvidia, especially with the lack of ray-tracing ability, remains to be seen.
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