Lenovo has finally launched its Tab P11 Pro in India. It was launched in a few other markets in August of last year. This tablet, which is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 730G chip, is known to deliver productivity to users. The strong chipset aids the system to run heavy application or games on it.
It showcases an 11.5-inch OLED display and comes with a screen resolution of 2560×1600 pixels. Lenovo Tab P11 Pro offers you a 6GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. This storage can be expanded up to 256GB with the aid of a microSD card.
The tablet attributes four cameras, two in front and two at back. The front-facing cameras are 8MP sensors each and the rear camera setup includes 13MP+5MP lens. It offers a quad-speaker system build by JBL. To make your listening experience even better it supports Dolby Atmos.
It houses a strong 8,600mAh battery unit. Thus, offering users a 15-hours of video playback. Talking more about the battery unit, it supports Quick Charge 3.0 and reverse wired charging. Currently, the tablet is run by Android 10 but it can be upgraded to Android 11 in the future.
Additional accessories include an optional keyboard folio which comes with a trackpad. You can connect it to the device via a 4-point pogo-pin connector. Lenovo offers this at Rs 44,999 and with the keyboard, it costs Rs.49,999. It is available now up for sale at Lenovo’s website, Amazon, and Flipkart. To generate more demand, Lenovo India is offering a 10% cashback up to Rs 1,500 if purchased from their website. The tablet will be offered in two colors – Slate Gray and Platinum Gray. To buy the product you can check out the link below.
Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2LM6NPV