LAVA has launched a brand new smartphone in India earlier today, the LAVA X2. This is the latest device of the company and it is an entry-level device. The device has an amazing battery and a good display for its price point.
LAVA’s newly launched X2 features a 6.5″ HD+ IPS display with a notch on the front. The display has an aspect ratio of 20:9 and has a refresh rate of 60Hz. The LAVA X2 is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio processor. LAVA has not specified the exact model of the chip but we know that it has been paired with 2GB RAM and 32GB internal storage.
The LAVA X2 has a fingerprint scanner on the rear and it comes with the face unlock feature also. On the rear, we see an 8MP dual camera setup and a 5MP selfie shooter on the front.
Apart from this, the LAVA X2 supports Bluetooth 5.0, WiFi, Dual 4G SIM, 3.5mm audio jack, and a USB Type-C charging port. LAVA is also offering a free protective cover with the box.
As mentioned, the LAVA X2 has been priced at 6,599 INR and it will be available via Amazon India, with the first sale starting on the 12th of March 2022. The pre-bookings for the device are live till the 11th of Match. The device will be exclusive to Amazon and it will retail in two colors, Blue and Cyan.
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