The Ladki Bahin Yojana, officially known as the Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana, has brought good news for women beneficiaries across the state. Starting today, the December installment of the scheme will be transferred to the accounts of eligible women. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had earlier assured during the Assembly session in Nagpur that the funds would be disbursed before the end of the year, and the government has kept its promise.
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Under this scheme, 2.35 crore women will receive ₹1500 as part of the December installment, with a total allocation of ₹3500 crore for this phase. While there has been anticipation about an increase in the installment amount to ₹2100, the current payout remains at ₹1500, with further decisions expected in the upcoming budget.
What is the Ladki Bahin Yojana?
The Ladki Bahin Yojana is a flagship welfare scheme launched by the Maharashtra government to provide financial assistance to women in the state. The initiative aims to empower women by offering direct monetary support, helping them meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.
Since its inception, the scheme has disbursed five installments of ₹1500 each, amounting to ₹7500 from July to November. The December installment marks the sixth payout under the scheme, ensuring continued support for women beneficiaries.
December Installment: Key Highlights
- Amount Disbursed: Eligible women will receive ₹1500 as part of the December installment.
- Total Allocation: The government has allocated ₹3500 crore for this phase of the scheme.
- Beneficiaries: In the first phase, 2.35 crore women will receive the funds directly in their bank accounts.
- Second Phase: An additional 25 lakh women, whose applications are still under scrutiny, will receive their payments in the second phase.
The government has ensured that the funds are transferred seamlessly, providing much-needed financial relief to women across the state.
When Will Women Receive ₹2100?
During the assembly election campaign, the Mahayuti alliance had promised to increase the monthly installment under the Ladki Bahin Yojana from ₹1500 to ₹2100. However, this increase has not yet been implemented.
Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has clarified that a decision regarding the hike will be taken during the state budget presentation. Until then, the December installment will remain at ₹1500. Women beneficiaries will need to wait for the budget announcement to see if the promised increase to ₹2100 is approved.
How Many Women Will Benefit?
The Ladki Bahin Yojana has a wide reach, with millions of women benefiting from the scheme.
- First Phase: 2.35 crore women will receive the December installment of ₹1500.
- Second Phase: An additional 25 lakh women, whose applications are still under review, will receive their payments once the verification process is complete.
This phased approach ensures that all eligible women are included, even if their applications require additional scrutiny.
A Lifeline for Women
The Ladki Bahin Yojana has become a lifeline for many women in Maharashtra, providing them with financial stability and support. The scheme is particularly significant for women from economically weaker sections, as it helps them meet essential expenses and improve their living conditions.
The timely disbursement of the December installment is a testament to the government’s commitment to women’s welfare. By allocating ₹3500 crore for this phase, the state has ensured that the scheme continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of its beneficiaries.
Challenges and Future Prospects
While the Ladki Bahin Yojana has been widely appreciated, there are still challenges to address. The delay in increasing the installment amount to ₹2100 has been a point of concern for many women. Additionally, the scrutiny process for new applications needs to be expedited to ensure that all eligible beneficiaries receive their payments on time.
Looking ahead, the upcoming state budget will be crucial in determining the future of the scheme. If the promised increase to ₹2100 is implemented, it will further enhance the scheme’s impact and provide greater financial support to women across the state.
The Ladki Bahin Yojana continues to be a cornerstone of the Maharashtra government’s efforts to empower women and provide them with financial support. The disbursement of the December installment, amounting to ₹1500 for each eligible beneficiary, reflects the government’s commitment to ensuring timely assistance.
While the scheme has already made a significant impact, the anticipation of an increase to ₹2100 has raised hopes among women beneficiaries. The upcoming state budget will be a critical moment for the scheme, as it could bring about the promised hike and further strengthen its reach and effectiveness.
For now, the ₹3500 crore allocation for the December installment ensures that millions of women across the state receive the support they need. The Ladki Bahin Yojana remains a symbol of the government’s dedication to women’s welfare, and its continued success will depend on timely implementation and addressing the evolving needs of its beneficiaries.
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1. How much will women receive under the December installment of the Ladki Bahin Yojana?
Eligible women will receive ₹1500 as part of the December installment. While there has been talk of increasing the amount to ₹2100, this decision is expected to be made during the upcoming state budget.
2. How many women will benefit from the December installment?
In the first phase, 2.35 crore women will receive the December installment of ₹1500. An additional 25 lakh women, whose applications are still under review, will receive their payments in the second phase.