Prithviraj Sukumaran has come with a new gangster drama film titled, ‘Kaapa’. Last Friday, the trailer of the film has been dropped. In the Malayalam film industry, Prithviraj Sukumaran is a gem. The film has been helped by Shaji Kailas. The new trailer has given a short glimpse of the hardcore gangster drama film.
The story of the film is based on the fight that exploits a criminal titled Madhu played by Prithviraj. After setting in Thiruvananthapuram, the movie unveils the transformation of Madhu from one of the expendable henchmen to rise via sheer grit with determination and a huge appetite for violence.
The brand-new trailer of Kaapa has packed a lot of high-octane moments. The mood with the scale of the movie gets dwells on the violent history of Thiruvananthapuram. Now, one thing is still not clear whether the film is a complete work of fiction or getting inspired by real-0life events. You can say Kaapa is short for Kerala Anti-Social Activities Prevention Act. A film is known to be a mixture of human drama, politics, and violence. The trailer contains some power-pack action sequences and groundbreaking dialogues.
The actor has written in the caption, “#KAAPA Official trailer! In Cinemas worldwide from 222nd December 2022!”
Kaapa: Cast
The story of the film has been written by G R Indugopan. The film features Aparna Balamurali, Asif Ali, and Anna Ben in the lead role. Kaapa is Shaji’s second film along with Prithviraj to drop in this year. The actor-director duo delivered Kaduva this year which become a hit at the box office after it got a mixed review.
Kaapa: Release Date
One of the most awaited drama films has set to hit cinemas on 22nd December 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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